Now that the primaries are almost over, all are invited to help put the divisions of the campaign behind us by joining a diverse, Triangle-based team of Democrats and like minded progressives to run, walk, or donate to the NC Triangle Race for the Cure on June 14th. Over a dozen people in three counties have already committed to being a part of this team. We believe it's the perfect opportunity for us to start working and having fun together for an important common cause.
In this election year, it's clear that we work together or we fall apart, so here's a cause we can all agree on. The Susan G. Komen Foundation's Race for the cure funds breast cancer education, screening, and treatment for underserved women in communities like ours across the country and also supports the national search for a cure. That's why Democrats, Hillary and Barack supporters alike, will be running, walking, and fundraising together in support of the foundation June 14.
This event is fun and highly relevant right now. Both candidates understand the need for an effective and comprehensive health care plan in this country, including marshaling resources against breast cancer. In keeping with that commitment, our participation in the Race for the Cure demonstrates to our community that what unites us is more important and more powerful than what divides us.
With participants from Orange, Chatham, Durham, and Wake, we'll make a solid contribution to the cause of fighting breast cancer, have a visible presence at this major community event, and demonstrate much needed Democratic Party unity across counties and candidates. And yes, there will be a cool Dems United for the Cure team T-shirt, which we'll all wear to show what we're walking for.
There's one thing you need to do today to show your support: Register Online. Online team registration is only open through midnight May 27. After that, new team members can use a paper registration form (available for download from the web site), which must be submitted to me by June 3.
Even if you can’t join us June 14, you can still make a contribution. Either sign up as a team member to "Sleep in for the Cure" or make a donation to the team. If you join our team and "Sleep in for the Cure", you can get your team t-shirt through the mail.
- Go to http://race.komennctriangle.org/goto/united and scroll down to the bottom of the page.
- Click on the link that says "Join Dems United for the Cure".
- On the registration page select: "Open Recreational 5k Adult - Teams" to walk with our core group at 9 am. Registration is $25 per team member.
- Or choose one of the other team activities such as the competitive 5k, 1 mile fun walk, or "Sleep in for the Cure" (also quite fun). You can be a part of our team, get a team T-shirt, and the registration fee and funds raised will count towards our team totals.
- After you submit the form, you'll receive an email confirming your registration.
- When you register online, your confirmation explains how to use the Race Center web site to customize your personal fundraising page and e-mail friends using preexisting message templates provided by Race for the Cure. The Race Center will allow you to recruit teammates and supporters, track your progress and get fundraising tips.
- As team captain, I'll also get a notice of that info including your email address so I can keep in touch about logistics like your team T-shirt and our progress overall.
Making a donation is an excellent way to support the work of the Komen foundation and is quick and easy:
- Go to our team page at http://race.komennctriangle.org/goto/united
- Click on the link on the right side of the page that says "Support Dems United for a Cure". This link is located under the kicking donkey image.
- That will bring you to the donation page where you can choose the amount you want to give and enter your billing information.
Thanks in advance for your support. Please give me a shout at cvbell@gmail.com if you have any questions, suggestions, or if there's anything I can do to help.
All the best,
Carole Bell cvbell@gmail.com
Team Captain, Dems United for the Cure